1: // This program is written by Luis Gallego Cardona.
2: package com.fibonaccidemo; // Comment out if it gives you issues
3: import java.util.Scanner;
4: public class FibonacciDemo {
5: public static void main(String[] args) {
6: Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
7: int number = 0; // hold the number
8: System.out.print("Please enter the nth term of the Fibonacci: ");
9: number = keyboard.nextInt();
10: // Recursive call that prints out each number in the sequence up to the desired nth term.
11: for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
12: System.out.print(fibonacci(i) + " ");
13: System.out.println();
14: // Non-Recursive call that simply prints out the nth term in the sequence.
15: System.out.print(fibonacciNonRecursive(number) + " ");
16: keyboard.close();
17: }
18: /** fibonacciNonRecursive method
19: * @param n The nth number to calculate
20: * @return The nth number.
21: */
22: private static int fibonacciNonRecursive(int n) {
23: if(n == 0)
24: return 0;
25: int x = -1, y = 1, z =0;
26: for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
27: z = x + y ;
28: x = y;
29: y = z;
30: }
31: return y;
32: }
33: /**
34: * The fibonnaci method calculates the nth term in the Fibonnaci series
35: * @param n The nth number to calculate
36: * @return The nth number.
37: */
38: private static int fibonacci(int n) {
39: if (n == 0)
40: return 0;
41: if (n == 1)
42: return 1;
43: else
44: return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2);
45: }
46: }
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