Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fix iPod detection in Ubuntu 9.10

So this guide is intended to be another workaround if you are having trouble getting Ubuntu 9.10 to recognize your iPod.

First of all, make sure that your iPod is disconnected from your computer. Then open up terminal, and type this into the command line:

killall -9 nautilus

After you run that command, plug in your iPod. Wait about 60 seconds, then hit Alt + F2 to bring up the 'Run Application' window. Type in 'nautilus' without quotes, and launch what ever app you are using to manage your iPod. Hopefully now it is recognised.

Hope this works for some of you guys, best of luck!


Anonymous said...

It does work. Wonderful, thanks

Unknown said...

Works perfectly. I was searching the web for the soluntion since 1 month. Thanks a lot

shadyabhi said...

works like a charm...:) thanx

shadyabhi said...

But, how did you really get to this solution? I am really keen to know.

JĂșnior Volkov said...

Thanks, bro.

You helped me here in Brazil.

Thank you so much.

Luis Gallego said...

@ shady: I got it from a user on the ubuntuforums.org. I would give credit where its due, but I have lost the thread of where this fix is commented.

Check my blog, I was just informed by another member of a more "easy" fix.

Luis Gallego said...

This tutorial is replaced by the following one, in the link below. It's much easier so please go out there and try it out and post back on how it goes!
